We Have A New Look!!!!

TxSP has been working with Osky Blue for several months to design and develop a new website. Of course, it has all the great and beneficial documents that you have always found, but the new look is much more colorful and interactive. We think you will love it as our team is very excited that it is now rolled out! Contact us if you have any questions or comments about the new site.

Counseling Section

Due to new legislative changes, one of the requirements for students who are transitioning back from a hospitalization is to have written plans developed. TxSP has posted the following to aid in that new requirement.

A team of TxSP staff has been working with districts this past year regarding high school transcripts. We have learned many things with the wonderful counselors with whom we have been working. We have been developing the best possible documents and protocols for our secondary counselors to use. Through that process, we have updated and developed some new resources and hope your secondary counselors will find these helpful. We are in the process of adding more.

  • Two new documents and a new file drawer have been added to Counseling – Secondary – Algebra II. The Spanish and English version of the letter to parents explaining changes to the once mandatory course selection of Algebra II is Ltr.Annual Parent Notification for Algebra II.
  • An updated Res.TEA Graduation Toolkit document from TEA was added to Counseling – Secondary – Required Student Information.
  • Doc.Transcript Change Request was updated and reposted in Counseling – Secondary – Graduation/Transcript Review Audit. In addition, two new Protocols were added to this file drawer, Pro.Transcript Initial Audit and Pro.Transcript Semester Review.
  • Due to changes in course selection, all documents in Counseling – Secondary – Student Course Selection were updated/changed including Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Course Selection information.
  • Due to some legislative changes, Res.TEC Chapter 33 and Doc.Early Graduation Plan were updated in the Counseling section.
  • A new document based upon the Professional School Counseling Program was created which includes the recommended qualifiers for hiring a counselor. Res.District Counselor Job Description was posted in Counseling – Program Development-District – Hiring and Evaluation – Hiring.
  • A new resource was added to a new file drawer in Counseling – Secondary. Res.Texas OnCourse – Endorsement Toolkit for Fall, 2019 was added to the Endorsements file drawer.
  • Two new resources were added to another new file drawer in Counseling – Secondary. Doc.Request for LOTE 2nd Year Waiver and Res.LOTE were added to LOTE.

Adding to our New Training Section and Support Section

Last spring, we started developing and posting powerpoint presentations that could be used with different staff members and continue to build that section in the future. Please preview our latest presentations and we hope they will be useful to your staff.

  • Changes to the Child Abuse Reporting have been included in a new Powerpoint presentation located in Trainings – Campus Administrators – Proposed Abuse Changes to notify administrators of a new required training for new teachers and first-time takers of this training. PPT.Proposed Abuse Changes-2019 has been posted along with handouts for the training, Res.Handouts for Proposed Abuse Changes-2019.
  • A presentation located in Training – Counselors – Abuse, PPT.Sexual Abuse Training for Counselors, was posted. Included in this location is a handout for the training.
  • A new file drawer was added to Training – Campus Staff – Threat to Others. The presentation, PPT.Hurting Self or Others, previously located in Campus Operational, was relocated here because it was specific to training staff.
  • An existing presentation in Training – Campus Staff – Abuse Training was updated. PPT.Child Abuse Staff Training has been posted. Also included in the same location are the Presenter Notes and Handouts for the training.

Student Support Update

Legislative updates are requiring certain transition plans when students return from an alternative program, DAEP, JJAEP and hospitalization. We created a new filing cabinet entitled Transition Plans and included documents to help you develop each of those helpful supports to move students as seamlessly and successfully as possible back into a regular school day at their home campus.

Requests from Our Partnering Districts!

TxSP has always been proud of the relationships that we build with our subscribing districts and charter schools. One of the services that we have provided since the beginning of our company is having our subscribing districts request protocols and documents that are needed in their district. We have been busy the last month meeting those requests and hope their development will benefit your district as much as it will the district that requested them. Below is a list of latest requests:

Student Support:

  • A form for reporting teacher referrals for 504 was created and posted in SS – 504 – Forms. The form is named Doc.Teacher Referral Information.

Campus Operational:

  • A new cabinet, CO – Immigration was created to house documents related to Immigration. The same Immigration cabinet appears in District Operational also. Four new documents reside there, Pro.Immigrant Students Support and Rights, Pro.Non-Local Law Enforcement and Immigrant Students, Res.ICE/CBP Sensitive Locations Memo, and Doc.Non-Local Law Enforcement Report.
  • A new resource has been added to CO – Rights – Students, Res.LGBTQ Student Rights
  • A Postings cabinet has been added to both CO and DO with a new comprehensive document that specifies the information required to be posted in a school building as well as the suggested location.

District Operational:

  • Doc.PEIMS Coding Request, located in DO – PEIMS – Coding Request Form was updated to include fields for additional codes.
  • A resource document with general information about the public information act has been posted in DO – Records – General Information on PIA. Res.Texas Public Information Act – Laws Made Easy was added for TxSP subscribers with permission from the author.
  • Doc.Administrative Internship Application was updated in DO – Administrative Internships.
  • The Transportation cabinet has been rearranged for ease in finding documents. Four new drawers have been added and the posted document reassigned to those drawers. Student Bus Expectations, Bus Safety, Bus Driver Information and Home Drop-off were added. Two new documents, Pro.Parents not at a Bus Drop Off and Doc.Parent Bus Drop-Off Permission were added to the Home Drop-Off drawer.

Spreading the Word!

We are growing across the state and many of our new districts/charters are signing on through word of mouth from our current subscribers. We love those referrals because the districts often times come ready to sign on. Although our documents and protocols and your district’s login information may not be shared outside the district, showing the site and how it has benefited your district is greatly appreciated. One of our newest high school principals stated, “This is a God Send!” Thank you and we are grateful for your support!