terms of purchase for downloadable products

  • All materials purchased may only be used within the Buyer’s K-12, tax-exempt, institution and school campuses and may not be shared with personnel from other campuses or K-12 institutions.
  • No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means to any entity outside of the Buyer’s K-12 institution without the express written permission of Texas School Procedures, LLC.
  • No part of this product may be posted on the K-12 institution’s website.
  • All materials are to be used internally for school operational purposes only.
  • The information is not intended to be and is not a substitute for specific legal advice.  If specific legal advice is sought, consult an attorney.
terms of purchase apply to the title ix packet that includes:
  • the manual;
  • the appendix electronic documents; and
  • the training materials.
refund policy

Texas School Procedures, LLC does not offer refunds on its products and services.