Why Texas School Procedures?
Texas School Procedures is a subscription-based resource for school districts and open enrollment charters which provides thousands of professionally researched and vetted written letters, regulations and protocols for virtually any facet of school operation. We are the only company that provides these comprehensive services in the state of Texas.
Our documents can be downloaded and completed electronically or can be printed and completed by hand. Because all documents and letters are downloadable, they can easily be emailed to staff and parents and posted on the website as required by law and policy. We regularly monitor legislative sessions, state and federal organizations / agencies / departments, and actively research to ensure our districts have the latest and most updated information.
Whatever question a district has, TxSP has the answer … or we can create it! We invite you to view our TxSP video!
Making Compliance Easy!
These documents provide a step-by-step process and all the resources to implement various laws, unfunded mandates, and daily operations in dealing with staff, students, parents, and the community.
All TxSP documents are translated by a native-born Spanish speaker to be readable and understandable by Spanish speakers.
All of the resources provided are regularly modified based on new laws or research through monitoring various state and federal agencies, reading the actual body of senate and house bills being signed into law, and providing all the necessary protocols and documents to districts to make implementation easier.
When implementing any practice or mandate, educators want to ensure that best practices have been vetted and researched, and are being implemented to increase positive outcomes. TxSP reviews latest research from various organizations, universities and published individuals in the areas of education, behavior, leadership, safety, and operations.
TxSP knows the time it takes to do the work and stay updated, and we also know that districts do not have the time and personnel to constantly be researching, writing, and updating for various types of staff members covering many programs and areas of administration and support. Join TxSP and other districts by letting us be that person for your district.
District administrators have reported that since implementing TxSP in their districts, their campus administrators and support staff are much more independent in performing their duties and they are receiving fewer calls for assistance. All administrators and other support positions have to do is go to the site and click on what they need so that they can go about providing best services and support to their students, staff, and parents.
In 2015, with only 800+ documents, Texas School Procedures originally started charging an annual fee of $2.00 per student based on the annual October PEIMS snapshot enrollment. Although we have added more than 1000 documents and created new sections, we continue to maintain the same annual fee so that our services are affordable to all size districts and charter schools. We also offer a pro-rated subscription when signing up at various times of the year. While district funds are often utilized for subscriptions to the website, TxSP also aligns with several different grant funding sources. Click here to learn more.
On our website, our subscribing districts can complete a form to request various protocols and documents not currently posted on the site and we will do the research and provide the document – as long as it is in line with policy, law, and best-practices. Districts also have the capability to upload a document for us to review and make suggestions.
How It Works

Needing information
View our website, call our toll-free number (855) 367-8977 and if you are unable to reach someone, leave a message and we will return your call. We can schedule demonstrations, provide a short access to the site, and/or answer any questions.

Request a Quote
Do you need to know pricing before your district can commit to subscribing to the website? Complete the Request a Quote form and receive pricing information within 24 hours of your request. Pricing is based upon the student population numbers stated on the most current Fall or Spring PEIMS snapshot submitted to TEA. (*minimum subscription rate=$150/annually)

Subscribe Using Our Online Form
If you are ready to subscribe, choose the Subscribe Now option on the main page of our website or call our toll-free number

Complete Licensing Agreement
All subscribing districts are required to sign and return the TxSP Licensing Agreement. This agreement ensures that each district or open-enrollment charter school system understands the copyright laws and terms of use. It protects all information contained on the website and prohibits sharing of information outside the organization with non-subscribers.

Vendor Information
Often school districts have additional forms required by their Purchasing Department to authorize payment of the subscription. After submission of the electronically signed Licensing Agreement, the signer will be provided website login credentials which may be used to access our available vendor documents.

Process Payment
At submission of the licensing agreement, an invoice will be generated. Our business office will send the invoice via email, due in 30 days, to the District Liaison or person listed on the agreement.

Receive Login Credentials to Our Document Library
Our business office will contact our customer service department to make immediate contact with the district designee serving as the TxSP liaison to provide all the information needed for login access to the service so that they may share it with their employees.

TxSP is available to assist with implementation questions and we have a section on our site that can help guide you as well. In addition, an "onboarding" videoconference will be held for all stakeholders in your district/charter who wish to attend. If you need more information, please call our (855) 367-8977 toll free number or contact us through email.

TxSP does not require training for implementation. However, many of our districts have asked our staff to provide direct training tailored to meet the district needs which we provide subscribers at the cost of $250 per hour. Alternatively, a section labeled "Training," that we continue to build, allows administrators and support staff to provide "in house" presentations, to be scheduled at the district's convenience. More to come!

Start Taking Advantage of Our Vast Library!
"We thought we had adequate documents for our 504 process and RtI, but once we saw what TxSP had, we quickly changed over."
Assistant Superintendent in Region 11 area, new subscriber.
"If you ever hire a full-time attorney, I want to come work for TxSP."
Attorney for a subscribing district of 4 years.
"The resources for behavior are the best and most comprehensive I have ever seen. I use this all the time in my work."
Behavior specialist in the Region 10 area, subscribing for 4 years
I just want to tell you again that I appreciate your work so much. Just used your Hospital Transition document. Sooooo perfect!!!
Counselor in Multi-High School District
"It has changed how our counselors do their work. Great resources. We use their site for staff development once a month for our regular meetings."
Director of Counseling Program in Region 10 area subscribing for 4 years.
Thank you so much for the update. This resource is amazing!
New Subscriber Teacher in Region 11 Requesting the Development of a New Document
"We loved their product that we saw while attending a TREA conference. We have had them come speak in our Region Service Center."
Region Educational Executive Director
"The calls to our central office for assistance have dropped about 75% since we trained our campus administrators and they have implemented TxSP procedures. This is our “Go-To” for our entire district for all regulations and documents"
Superintendent in Region 20 area, 5 years subscribing
"We didn’t realize how out of compliance we were in many areas until we started subscribing to TxSP. It has changed our daily practices into policies and I don’t have to worry about if they are being implemented appropriately."
Superintendent in the Region 11 area, subscribing for 2 years
"This has been a great resource to our District."