Texas School Procedure Resources are Amazing!

Being Prepared with the Latest Updates for Reopening Schools

 School districts across the country and the state of Texas are being overloaded with information every day regarding back to school guidelines to ensure safe and best health practices for students and staff. The district must not only strive to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak of students, but staff members as well – including those over 50 and 60 years of age. There are many recommendations coming out with various and changing protocols, scenarios, and decision-making trees. Texas School Procedures is staying on top of that for you daily. We have developed a section under District Operational called School Reopening -COVID Specific that we are updating and adding to daily from TEA, CDC, and other state practices and plans – AND it will all be in one place! You must start with our document that gives a general checklist for districts to begin their decision-making and then move to other checklists for preparation.

TxSP will supply credible options and protocols for your decision-making including information from state and federal agencies. We are providing checklists with all the precautions that may be taken and the district may choose which ones they wish to follow. The more boxes a district chooses from the checklist, the more preventative their approach will be.

If you need further resources or protocols, please email and let us do the research for you. 

Being Prepared for Future School Closings

Because COVID-19 is still relatively new and we are learning new information almost daily from the scientists and doctors, we know that this virus is unpredictable. There are predictions that we may have a resurgence of the virus in the future.

TxSP, at the request of several of our districts, asked us to develop some operational procedures for school closures this past Spring. We will be reviewing those protocols, checklists, and documents in June to ensure they retain the latest and best information as schools may need to close sometime again during the 2020-21 school year.

Being Prepared for HB 18 to Begin in the
2020-21 School Year

In the 86th legislature, summer of 2019, a bill was passed that specified requirements for Texas school districts on the professional school counseling program. If you are a subscriber to TxSP, we have completed and updated our Counseling section that will ensure your district is in compliance with not only legal requirements, but counseling best practices.

 We also offer a series of training sessions for Districts, including your counselors and one for your campus administrators (as required by law) if you would like assistance in developing and improving your district counseling department. This is especially helpful for districts who do not have a district leader with a counseling background.

Please contact us if you are interested in finding out more about this added service. TxSP is flexible with a plan and cost that works for your district. We are already scheduling for the 2020-21 school year, so contact us soon if you are interested.

Being Prepared to Return and Work with Traumatized Student

Senate Bill 11 was passed in the 86th Legislature in the summer of 2019 that required districts to train all staff in children who have been traumatized. This training was required for the 2019-20 school year; however, many districts were unable to meet this requirements due to the COVID-19 school closings. No doubt that many of our Texas students will have experienced trauma due to the school closings – students who may have already been in traumatizing circumstances. When schools reopen, many children, staff, and parents will be afraid to return to the school buildings. If your staff prepared to provide support to these students?

Not only does TxSP offer many resources and strategies to your school counselors in working with students, but we also offer a 6-part staff development series for your entire campus staff to be provided by a district resource person.

TxSP is also offering a service for one of our consultants to come and provide a  “train  the trainer  model” (usually to counselors and/or assistant principals)  in your district for them to go back and train their entire campus staff on a schedule that fits each campus’ needs.


Being Prepared with All Updated Legal Requirements and Best Practices for District and Campus Operations

Texas School Procedures is a subscription-based resource for school districts and open enrollment charters which provides thousands of professionally researched and vetted written letters, regulations, best practices, and protocols for virtually any facet of school operation. We are the only company that provides these comprehensive services in the state of Texas.

Our documents can be downloaded and completed electronically or can be printed and completed by hand. Because all documents and letters are downloadable, they can easily be emailed to staff and parents and posted on the website as required by law and policy. We regularly monitor legislative sessions, state and federal organizations / agencies / departments, and actively research to ensure our districts have the latest and most updated information.

We also provide staff development presentations that districts can use at their own schedules by district level staff members. Whatever question a district has, TxSP has the answer … or we can create it!