See our New Testimonial

Michael Alphin, Superintendent @ Harmony ISD

"Harmony ISD has greatly benefited from the professional and resource-rich Texas School Procedures. By implementing various forms and processes, we have experienced significant time savings and increased efficiency within our district. The seamless connection to relevant policies and codes has further enhanced our operations. We are grateful for the invaluable support this system has provided in streamlining our educational processes." A TxSP subscriber since Fall 2022.

Summer Updates

Texas School Procedures has been busy this summer and will continue to update all sections throughout the school year and add new projects. It will be helpful for all district leadership teams, campus administrators, counselors, nurses, etc., to sign up for the newsletter to stay on top of changes. Below are the latest updates:

District Operational – Length of Placement for DAEP and Expulsion Tool (added two new documents/tools to help aid districts who wish to have a document that provides district guidelines for DAEP and Expulsion length of placements. (District administrators and campus administrators will want to see this.)

Nursing- Asthma (added an Asthma IHP, a parent and student questionnaire and updated the protocol)

Nursing – Bed Bugs (minor updates and added two resources)

Nursing – Opioids (minor additions based on new information)

Personnel – COBRA (updated the protocol and notification)

Personnel – Death of Employee (added a protocol and updated the Peace Officer Documentation)

Schedule your Refresher Onboarding Sessions

Did you know that Texas School Procedures offers complimentary onboarding sessions for our subscribing districts? We are scheduling these sessions weekly - don't lose out. These sessions provide an overview of the website, highlight various features and navigational tools, and review strategies for strategic implementation. We provide onboarding sessions for current subscribers who have never had an onboarding session, or districts that need an update due to staff turnover or as a refresher. Onboarding can be conducted with the District Leadership Team as well as with different departments such as Counselors, Principals, Student Support, Nurses, and Personnel, etc.