As the 2022-23 school year begins, it is a great time for campus and district administrators to review important topics and conduct required training.  Suggested topics and TxSP related resources include:

Topics Principals Can Review with Their Staff

Required District Training to Schedule

Title IX:

  1. Train Principals on Their Roles Regarding Title IX
  2. Prepare Principals to Present Campus Title IX Training to ALL Staff
  3.  Training for the Campus Grievance Team

Training Volunteers:

    To allow Districts to either have volunteers come in for a training session or have volunteers view the training at their own pace and time, TxSP provides recorded training as well as a Quiz for Verification of Viewing. If the volunteers view independently, they should submit the completed quiz to verify training requirements have been met.

Is your District prepared to handle challenges?

TxSP has provided information to help districts prepare to handle questions or concerns regarding library books and instructional materials. Of course, consulting the district attorney is always recommended in cases like these; TxSP believes our materials can be of great benefit.

  1. Understanding Adopted Instructional Materials
  2. Guidelines and Processes for Classroom Libraries
  3. Instructional Resources and Library Books